Without Feminism, the world would be a scary place:
The glaring absence of the feminist movement in the past few decades has resulted in unspeakable acts that many women never thought they were capable of doing — to other women or men. Today, the world would not be how it is now if it wasn’t for feminist action. Feminism was able to work hard for what women deserve and helped them achieve their goals, beliefs, and principles regarding equality among the sexes. In today’s world, feminism is still a misunderstood word with a negative stigma attached to it. This post will outline what feminism is and what it means for women in society today. Also, I’ll address why we need feminism and why women need to understand what it is to grow in society.
Without feminism, the world would be a dreadful place.
Women’s liberation is no longer radical; it’s common sense.
But though feminism isn’t radical, it might surprise you to learn how important it was in the first place.
A radical movement starts by imagining the world wrong and proposing to change it. Feminism had that advantage. It imagined the world wrong: that women were as capable as men — and better than some men — but that society did not value what they could do. So it suggested changing the value system.
It succeeded. Today most people take for blessed the idea that women deserve the same rights as men.
But feminists didn’t just win an argument. They won power. Feminism earned women the right to say what they think and do what they want, not just what men believe.
Because of that, the world today is a good place.
But feminists also won a responsibility. A responsibility that, in the past, women had shared. As mothers, as wives, as sisters, as daughters. Today, however, women no longer have that shared responsibility. They have a separate one.
Today, as women, we shape the world. We get to determine what kind of world we need.
It isn’t a gentle responsibility, but it is a great thing to have.
And, as feminists, we have the best argument for wanting to be in control. We have the best assertion in the world.
Examine how much better off society is with feminism in action
Feminism has done a substantial amount of good for society.
But it can be hard to appreciate because change is so slow. Think about all the changes and improvements women have made lately compared to, say, a hundred years back. The ideas we associate with feminism are relatively new. Women’s alliances have been around for a long time. What is new is the extent of those rights and how far they have come.
In 1890, when women gained the right to vote in the United States, only three American states had laws requiring women to get their husbands’ permission before marrying. Women were also prohibited from voting in 38 states, and Mississippi and Missouri even required women to be 21 years old before they were allowed to vote. Women could not own property or even keep money in 19 states.
Today women in the United States have all the same possession and bonds as men. They have the same permit to education and careers. They are no longer lawfully bound to their husbands, and parents are no longer honestly bound to their children.
Were it not for women’s activism, many of these rights would not have been realized. The movement for women’s rights was, in fact, an activism movement. Women did far more than armchair intellectuals. They marched, they picketed, they picketed some more.
And somewhere along the way, women realized something that had been obvious to men all along. It wasn’t just that they were equivalent to men. It was that they were fortunate. Women see things differently. They are more biologically attuned to the world and its problems. They are more empathetic and intuitive.
Feminists argue that this better perspective makes them better at managing businesses, writing software, investing and trading, and designing products. Feminists say that gender bias is costing us billions.
The word ‘feminism’ is scary.
The word ‘feminism’ sounds as scary as ‘feminazi, and almost as dangerous to many.
But feminism is not an awful word. The scary word is ‘feminazi. That is a made-up word.
The word ‘sexist’ is scarier still. Feminists don’t like that word either. The word ‘theism’ is even worse. Feminists don’t believe in people; they believe in God.
Feminists are people who care about women’s equality with men. They believe that the same standards should judge men and women and that men should not be favored or advantaged for the sake of being men.
‘Feminism’ is just a word for people who overlook these things.
Feminists are people who combat sexism. Feminists want equality, but equality means different things to different people.
Feminists want women to be equal to men, but some think that men being equal to women means getting everything, and women should be punished for wanting anything. Feminists want women to feel powerful, but some people think they should make everyone else feel powerless.
Feminism is the advocacy of women’s rights based on the parallelism of the sexes.
The feminists’ debates about the benefits of equality-and the worth and rights of women-are not new. Citing the equality of men and women, Plato wrote that “a woman of the greatest fortune and the least virtue is half the man.” The feminists’ arguments are those of a long line of thinkers, from ancient to modern, who have advanced the notion that men and women are the same under the skin, with the same capacities, aspirations, and needs.
But because many of them were men, their arguments were usually drowned out by the tides of opinion. It’s often difficult to see such arguments as anything but an attack on women. So feminism emerged as a matter of necessity: because men in power denied women their rights, feminists had to speak up, not by attacking men, but by focusing on women’s rights.
Feminists are not against men. They are for equal rights. Men are human beings, and human beings are we. Women are not greater than men; they are different. But they are not different in a way that makes one boss to the other.
Some feminists, to be sure, have overstated the differences between men and women. But feminists also tend to overstate the similarities: both women and men have the potential, for example, to become great scientists, great mathematicians, great politicians, great entrepreneurs, and great leaders. Feminists don’t withhold that, but they know that it takes work.
A society in which men and women are equally free to develop their potential will be stronger, more resilient, and more creative than one in which they are unequal. In a world where men think women’s place is in the kitchen and women think men are incapable of being leaders, why would anyone bother to develop their potential?
What would happen if feminism didn’t exist now?
What would life be like today if feminism didn’t survive?
If we lived in Newton’s day, this would be a pretty scary thought. Women would traditionally have been expected to be married off by age 16 and at most 25. Children were an obligation, not a choice, and contraception was illegal.
But don’t worry. The crises were solved long ago.
Today, women are free to choose their careers and marry whomever they want, and have as many children as they want.
So what if feminism didn’t survive?
Well, there would be a lot of better men in the world.
Far more.
The fraction of men over age 16 would be about 20 percent less than it is now.
That means, of course, that the world would be a lot more jammed since 20 percent of the world’s population is men.
The world would also be a lot more brutal.
The fraction of men over age 16 who would fight in wars would be about 30 percent less than today.
That means, of course, that more men would die in wars.
Feminism doesn’t mean men are guilty
The feminist movement, in some ways, is a victim of its success: it’s no longer radical enough. If you were a woman in 1970, you probably would have been outraged by male domination, but you might have expected things to get better. Now, however, things are getting worse.
Part of the problem is that feminism has twisted into an ideology. The feminist movement was initially about equity, about treating men and women as equals. But these days, the feminist movement has become about raising women’s self-esteem and making them feel good about themselves. You can’t have that; you can’t raise self-esteem by ignoring that men are better than women.
Feminism has become an ideology because feminists, like most people, tend to see their position as an enlightened one, a natural extension of what they already think. But any given position is itself the result of some set of beliefs; beliefs change, and with them, so, too, do positions. It’s essential to understand your own beliefs and understand why you hold them.
The feminist movement has also changed because it has become associated with left-wing politics. Political movements tend to become more extreme over time; more minor extreme movements die out. But feminists have also changed. Today’s feminists are more likely to believe that men are guilty.
The feminist movement became associated with left-wing politics because left-wing politics was, at one time, the only socially acceptable way to be a feminist. But left-wing politics became associated with feminism because left-wing politics was, at one time, the only socially acceptable way to be a man.
The feminist movement has become associated with left-wing politics because left-wing politics is the only socially acceptable way to be liberal. The left has traditionally defined itself in opposition to conservatives, which is fine.
Feminism is a social activity that aims to achieve equality for women. Feminism is everything. We all need to realize and work together to make this world a better place. For decades, men and women were treated differently. Some believe that was for the better; others think it was for the worse. A world without feminism would be frightening! Understand why feminism can be doubtful. The world wouldn’t exist without feminism. Help women realize how hard their mothers and grandmothers have fought for the liberties they have today. They have a lot of struggle to do; let’s start by educating them on who did all the dirty work.
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Originally published at https://inspiredwithhussain.com on October 23, 2021.